Waters Works

We believe that a church should be a place where creativity can be facilitated. Do you have a concern for justice? Do you want to see social change? Are you currently working with a group to create social action? If you answered yes to any of those,
we feel like you'd be a perfect fit with us.
We'd love to hear from you about what you're doing to bring good to Tampa, and we'd love to help you if possible.


Community Food Market

Every Monday evening from 6:00 - 8:00 PM we host a community market made possible through the work of The Well. Local groceries are collected and made available to those who need it - completely free of charge. Each week varies by what we receive in the pick-ups, but we typically cover all the basics: bread, dairy, fruits and vegetables (and usually some pretty great deserts!) It’s a beautiful time of building connections. Connections between extra food and those who can use it and connections between people.

Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality

Our congregation is a proud member congregation of HOPE (Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality. HOPE is a group of 27 diverse congregations who join together in justice work within our county. Through the work of direct action, HOPE has achieved criminal justice reform, ensured that our county provides affordable housing, and seen wins in several other important areas of our county. For more information on HOPE click here! To join or get more information on Waters Ave’s justice ministry email one of our Justice Team. Together we have HOPE for justice!