We believe that it is important to gather together in corporate worship. We don't think it's some kind of act that will appease an angry god or earn you some kind of spiritual points. We view our gatherings as a chance to remind ourselves that there are bigger things in life than the demands that our jobs, peers, economies, or governments make on us. Our liturgy is a time we can disrupt and reorient ourselves and renew our commitment to embracing the kind of life that Jesus displayed.
On any given week you may hear a hymn from the 1800's, a song from a "secular" artist, or an original by someone in our congregation. Whatever music you hear will have the same goal - to foster reflection, to inspire creativity, and to complement the theme of that week's liturgy. The same goes for our readings, reflections, and prayers.
Our sermons are meant to give us a deeper understanding of ourselves and our world and to confront us with the radical teachings of Jesus and the rest of the Bible. You can listen in on our YouTube channel to see previous services to get an idea. We try to approach our Christianity in a not-so-ordinary way, so whether you've been in church your whole life or never stepped foot in a church, we think you'll be surprised by what you hear.