Waters Kids
We take our ministry to children seriously. We provide a safe, clean, and fun atmosphere fo them so that you as a parent can be as involved as you'd like to be with the main session--without worrying. But we don't just provide a space for children so that you can have a place to drop them off. We strive to reinforce for your children the same things we teach adults.
Our Approach
We believe the truth that Jesus taught can be found in all kinds of different places. So we use songs, stories, art, and games to help children discover the beauty of our world and the responsibility they have to bring good to it. We try to promote these ideas at an age appropriate level by highlighting the Biblical story, sharing stories of peace, and reading children's books that lead us to the common good. We play games and make crafts that reinforce the ideas they'll hear. Waters Kids will focus in an age appropriate way on the same themes that we highlight in the main session, so that you and your child can discuss and experience the way of Jesus together throughout the week.
Meet Our Volunteers!
Unfortunately, churches very often fail children when it comes to safety. We take our responsibility to our children seriously. All of the Waters Kids volunteers have been background checked so that we know our children are getting the best care. And we've put systems in place to ensure that you are the only one who can drop off and pick up our child. We want our children to learn the ways of peace, so of course we demand peace for them.